“Becoming an Effective Advocate” Workshop Offers Important Tips for Promoting the Cause

Becoming and Effective Advocate: Get Attention for the Cause Through Public Speaking, Politicians, and the Press

IMG_1252Brad Phillips is conducting a full-day, interactive workshop today for new and experienced advocates. (Pre-registration required).

Brad Phillips, president of Phillips Media Relations. author of The Media Training Bible and the Mr. Media Training Blog, and former ABC News and CNN journalist, is here today offering his extensive experience and renowned advice to World Burn Congress attendees interested in becoming Phoenix Society Advocates.

Attendees are learning how to attract media attention and deliver a memorable media interview, how to create and deliver a compelling speech, and how to convince lawmakers to join their efforts.

This workshop is full of energy and fun, and is teaching numerous techniques to the WBC attendees through lecture, video examples, group exercises, and demonstrations.

The “Becoming an Effective Advocate” workshop is focused on becoming a Phoenix Society Advocate and the home fire sprinkler issue, but those advocating for other issues and causes are also learning critical tips for improving their efforts as well.

Thank you to our workshop attendees for getting involved and helping bring attention to the cause!

Joe Kinan Shares Story of Recent Hand Transplant Procedure

Joe Kinan Wedding Photo - 1.8.13In a recent article, Joe Kinan a survivor of the Station fire, shared with the public an inside view of his recent hand transplant procedure and the ongoing rehabilitation.  In addition, the story shares the perspective of the donor’s  family.  Joe is a Phoenix Society trained advocate and has been attending the Phoenix Society’s World Burn Congress since 2004. Joe also met his fiancé at a World Burn Congress event.  

Stay tuned for our spring issue of Burn Support News, which will have an article about Joe’s experience and additional on-line articles discussing the considerations regarding severe hand burns. 

Watch the video below and read more Forged by Fire stories here.